6 Reasons to Switch your EHR in 2019

Why 2019 may be the year for small to mid-sized medical practices to switch their EHR for the better.

If your EHR has ever caused you so much frustration that you can picture yourself reenacting the infamous scene from the movie “Office Space” where they pulverize their office equipment, then you should consider switching your EHR in 2019.

Even if things aren’t that bad, but you are looking to make improvements for your practice, you too, should consider making a switch.

Let’s look at 6 reasons why you should consider switching your EHR solution in 2019.

Switch Your EHR

1. Better service and support

Let’s face it, the EHR industry isn’t widely known for its stellar service. An EHR company can design the most state-of-the art solution, but if you can’t figure out how to use it, the adoption will likely fail.

But as more products have launched and consolidations have occurred, the industry is finally becoming more user-centric and realizing that service and support is the backbone of any good product. 

2. Utilizing telemedicine

While you may have been hesitant in the past to be an early adopter, telemedicine is now mainstream, and you don’t want to be behind the curve. Reimbursement laws are evolving and medical practices are wanting to deliver the best care possible, making telemedicine more important than ever. Most EHR companies offer some sort of telemedicine, but you may need to access it via a third party solution such as Chiron or eVisit.

If your EHR offers a weak telemedicine product, consider switching to another EHR or at the minimum utilize a third party solution. 

3. More patient engagement

Whether it’s a patient portal, supporting marketing material or just an online scheduler, patient engagement tools have gone from “nice to have” to “must have” for medical practices.

Similar to telemedicine, there are 3rd party applications that can help fill a gap with your EHR for better patient engagement. But consider not piecemealing it together and go for an all-in-one EHR solution.

4. Stronger data analytics

Every EHR will tout their data analytics capabilities. But the real question is how easy it is to access, and what can you do with the results. Ask lots of questions and ask for examples.

And if you are moving toward value based-care (or you are already there), an EHR with the appropriate reporting tools is a must.

5. Enhanced user experience (UX)

Does it seem to take you and overabundance of clicks to do something that should be simple? Does your EHR seem clunky and hard to navigate? User experience is an area that has made drastic improvement for EHRs, as today’s consumer expects things clean and easy to use. Technology now days is built so easy, that an eight year old child or an 80 year old grandma should be able to use it. EHR companies are having to adapt to these changing expectations and usability should only continue to improve. If your EHR isn’t user-friendly, than you should consider changing. 

6. Switching isn’t as hard as you think

While switching EHRs may seem daunting, you would be surprised that it isn’t as hard as you think. Making a transition smooth and quick is essential for EHR companies to gain new customers. It may not be completely painless, but the small inconvenience you may experience could be worth your weight in gold for what the new EHR can do for your practice.

Go take a test drive

Check out some of our reviews of the top EHR solutions. And know that every EHR will typically provide a free demo. Go do some test driving!

6 Reasons to Switch your EHR in 2019
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6 Reasons to Switch your EHR in 2019
Let’s look at 6 reasons why you should consider switching your EHR solution in 2019.
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