Tag Archive for: Practice Fusion

EHR Corporate Responsibility
People today want to do business with and use products from companies that are stellar corporate citizens. This seems heightened in the healthcare space where the expectations are higher for those who already work towards helping patients. There…

Allscripts “satisfied” with Q1 & Practice Fusion now charging
Based on Allscript's recent Q1 earnings call, President Rick Poulton is "satisfied" with the Q1 results. While he was nudged on his choice of wording during the Q&A portion of the call, he didn't budge. With a slew of deals that were…

What is the skinny on Practice Fusion charging?
It had been reported by CNBC that Practice Fusion would have an announcement in March regarding their business model. This same report stated that current customers that have used Practice Fusion as a free EHR solution, will now be charged $100…